Sc.D., Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1966
Honors and Awards
Outstanding Professor Award, Nuclear Science and Engineering Department: 1975, 1976, 1980, 1996, 2011
American Nuclear Society Best Paper Award, Thermal-Hydraulic Division, 1987
National Heat Transfer Conference Best Paper Award, 1987
American Nuclear Society Technical Achievement Award, Thermal-Hydraulic Division, 1994
MIT School of Engineering Ruth & Joel Spira Award for Distinguished Teaching, 1995
American Nuclear Society Arthur Holly Compton Award, 1995
ICONE 8 Conference, A Thermal Hydraulic Track Best Paper Award, 1999
Inaugural Lecture, Distinguished Lecture Series of the Department of Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 2001
Inaugural Lecture, O'Hanian Engineering Lecture Series, University of Florida, 2002
Henry DeWolf Smyth Nuclear Statesman Award, 2005
Professional Activities
Fellow, American Nuclear Society, 1981
Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1983
Member, National Academy of Engineering, 1988
Chair, Korea Electric Power Corp. Professor of Nuclear Engineering, 1992-2006
Research Interests
Thermal hydraulic aspects of nuclear systems performance under steady-state and accident conditions, advanced light water reactor (LWR) and fast reactor concepts, and safety features of operating LWRs of western design.